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Her husband belongs to the second generation of Forja artisans, a circumstance that led María Luisa to become familiar not only with this trade, but also to enter the manufacture of glass lanterns. From his shop-workshop, in the heart of Úbeda and declared by the Junta de Andalucía as a Point of Artisan Interest, he makes, with the help of the most traditional techniques, each one of the lanterns that he later exhibits. Without a die, both the engraving, tin plating, embossing and finishing, everything is done by the hands of María Luisa.

María Luisa and her husband work the forge in cold, outside the forge, manipulating the material with no other help than their hands, and obtaining all kinds of articles or decorative objects. Their personalized service, ability to adapt to customer needs and their experience as forge and glass lantern craftsmen have led Artesur to be present in the most prestigious national and international guides and search engines.

Contact information
Plaza Del Marqués De La Rambla 2, 23400 Úbeda, Jaén, Spain
953 751 103