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This civil construction was built between the end of the 16th and start of the 17th century in which local architecture, classified as Mannerist, continues to be influenced by the powerful Renaissance in the region. The Marqués de Mancera palace constitutes one of the most representative examples of a tower house built in a medieval style, then used to demonstrate warrior ancestry. The palace was built by the Renaissance architect Andrés de Vandelvira at the behest of the canon brothers of La Colegial de Santa María, Don Antonio and Don Lope de Molina Valenzuela.

Later, this urban palace came under the ownership of one of the richest men in the country, the viceroy of Peru, Don Pedro Álvarez de Toledo y Leiva, first marquis of Mancera. It is from him that the palace gets its name. At the start if the 20th century, the sisters of the religious congregation Siervas de Maria came to live here. The building thus became a convent which helped the poor and sick of the town for free throughout the last century. The building is no longer a convent due to the lack of nuns and is currently used as the Town Hall of Úbeda.


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Contact information
Calle De María Soledad Torres Acosta 1, 23400 Úbeda, Jaén, Spain